Tuesday, February 14, 2006


kid magazine donation

We would like to thanks Mr Murizal who generously donate kid magazine to Bustanul Aitam Orphanage. There are 100 magazines, consisting of Bobo, Oki Nirmala, CnS Junior, Mombi, and ORI.

It has been long plan to set up a small library for the kids. But we don’t have fund for it and I’m not sure what kind of book the kids love. Seeing how the kids love the magazines, urge me to make the library come true as soon as possible. I also remember that my best friend Hendra Harahap wants to donate books to the orphanage. But without proper furniture and room for library, I’m afraid the book could be damaged in short time.
So, who can donate more books for the orphanage?

Here are pictures from the symbolic donation of the magazines.

Relevant posts:
- Thanks for your generous donation
- donation from Beydoun family

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